Health Is Wealth

Health is Wealth........Do you agree?

I agree.!

If I asked to choose one of the following things,which will you prefer? without wealth?
2.wealth without health?

It is ridiculous to have so much material wealth but being unable to enjoy it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Noun-a word that refers to a person, (such as Ann or doctor), a place (such as Paris or city) or a thing, a quality or an activity (such as plant, sorrow or tennis.

ability communications handling Monday source

access companies hate mutilation sourer

accounts company Highway nations South Korea

addresses computer hours net space

adults concern incompetent netizens spree

aids countries ideas nightmare stake

aim crime impact number stock

amount criminals increase organisations students

analyzer criticism individuals over time subject

angers culture industry overall super

anti-virus damage influenced overload talents

apple data information panic telephone

April days inspiration parents today

arrival disaster internet passwords tool

Asia display items pentagon top

assassination dog-eat-dog Japanese playground Turkey

audience doing junk post UK

banks effect justifications power understanding

breach E-mail legacy producers users

British environment levels pornography violence

business equilibrium library ranging virus

causes example like ramous victims

champion expertise line reputations volumes

channel feature linked research waves

character files mail revenge way

characters fingertips manager revolutionised works

Chen (name) form mankind risks world

children future market salespersons year

claimed giant material schools youngsters

close governments Middle-East shock

commission grave minds sites

command Gutter minors society

commitment hackers Misinformation software

Type of Nouns

Abstract noun-a noun, for example goodness or freedom, that refers to an idea or a general quality, not to a physical object

ability incompetent talents feature risks

aim ideas super expertise revenge

concern influenced breach character like

criticism inspiration characters justifications minds

culture panic commitment like reputations

angers Misinformation command minds power

hate nightmare future shock legacy

violence understanding

Common noun-a word such as table, cat, or sea, that refers to an object or a thing but is not the name of a particular person, place or thing

access handling spree commission material

adults hours stake giant minors

aids increase tock close society

analyzer individuals number form sites

assassination information impact children salespersons

audience internet criminals fingertips ranging

display disaster subject files producers

days pentagon top example post

arrival items tool equilibrium users

data passwords banks environment virus

apple organisations business effect volumes

damage netizens causes levels waves

crime net champion library way

computer mutilation channel line works

company software claimed linked year

accounts source Gutter mail

communications sourer grave manager

hackers space governments market

Proper noun-a word that is the name of a person, a place, an institution, etc. and is written with a capital letter, for example Tom, Mrs Jones, Rome, Europe, the Rhine, the Houses of Parliament

April Asia Monday Japanese South Korea

Turkey British Chen (name) E-mail UK

Collective noun-a singular noun, such as committee or team, that refers to a group of people, animals or things and, in British English, can be used with either a singular or a plural verb. In American English it must be used with a singular verb

industry addresses nations mankind world

countries amount students victims Middle-East

companies junk parents youngsters schools

Compound noun-sometimes more than one noun. Is used together to form a name or to refer to an object or a person.

anti-virus Highway overload telephone revolutionized

dog-eat-dog over time playground research

doing overall today pornography

Verb-A verb is a word such as `sing', `feel', or `die' which is used with a subject to say what someone or something does or what happens to them, or to give information about them.

access conducting gives make revenge

address considered go may set

affect created gutter need shock

aim damage handle net source

be deal hate operate spreading

become display humiliate overload struck

brought disseminate ignore panic take

buy engulf impact posted threaten

call feature increase protecting tools

can fielded increasing publish unsolicited

causes found inculcate reached using

circulate gaining indicates realising want

close generated influenced redefined

concern get junk reported

Multi-word verbs

Verbs need not be single words and there are a number of word groups that can be treated as single verbs, such as 'to put up with', 'to take off', 'to get by' and so on.

You can identify a verb by the ability to create an infinitive form, which starts with 'to'.

Main and auxiliary verbs

A sentence or phrase can have two interlocked verbs. The main verb gives the primary action, whilst the auxiliary verb adds subtle detail. Common auxiliary verbs include the verbs to be, to have, to do.

I had fun.

You will be happy.

Modal verbs

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that add 'mood', most commonly imperative and probability. These can be very useful in persuasive situations, as they cause people to think.

You should think about this.

It may rain tomorrow.

Modal verbs often appear in the subjunctive mood:

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Signals of the subjunctive include 'if' and, particularly, 'were' (as opposed to 'was').

Transitive verbs

A transitive verb acts on an object and hence connects the subject of a sentence with its object, and hence requires both to exist.

I hit the nail. (transitive)

Adjectives-A word that describes a person or thing, for example big, red and clever in a big house, red wine and a clever idea. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after link verbs.

accessible difficult individual overall unnecessary

adults dog-eat-dog intended own unniversary

ailing done involved persistent unsolicited

available erroneous irresponsible powerful violent

black everywhere Japanese prompted working

broke expensive known rampant worthy

capable explicit large regardless young

certain fast latest safe

contentions giant longer secret

corporate graphic multinational selfish

criminals grave material smooth

crippled gruesome mere super

cyber inaccurate net ugly

dangerous incompetent numerous understanding

detected incorrect only unidentified

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