Health Is Wealth

Health is Wealth........Do you agree?

I agree.!

If I asked to choose one of the following things,which will you prefer? without wealth?
2.wealth without health?

It is ridiculous to have so much material wealth but being unable to enjoy it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Students sometimes have problems in deciding which universities they want to apply to. Suggest 3 factors that students should consider when applying to universities. You may include some of the following aspects, courses offered and also facilities. Write at least 350 words.

Recently student are having the problems which is to decide which universities they want to apply to, in order for them to continue their studies. Due to the fact that , few student are not very consider about the courses offered by the universities. Student must consider about courses offered to them , the facilities that provided at the universities and also the benefits that students will get when they roll on the one particular universities .

            The first point is ,student must take serious about the courses offered to them by the universities . students have to match the same courses with their major at secondary  school before they accept the offer. If not , student will not reach their qualification for the education and maybe few students will be kicked off from the universities because of can’t reach the requirement for the courses. As a result , there’s so many students will loss of their opportunity to get a better job. This situation will effect to our government because there’s  no quality students to take over the specific position in one company. That’s  why students have to bare in mind about the coursed offered by the universities.

            With the mushrooming of small and big universities as well as private colleges in urban centre , not all offer adequate facilities . in addition to , they does not adequately equipment the student with the necessary survival skills . there is need for a drastic change of curriculum and co- curriculum content. As a result , students  can’t be tolerated  with their  courses. For example, students in courses nursing , if does not adequately equipment , they can’t see the real situation regarding the their skills and knowledge.

Moreover, planning to study abroad,student’s should consider on education loan as well choosing a trustable education loan can make the student be in secured position throughout the course. One are eligible for the education loan if they fulfill their particular universities requirement . Most of the loan will be in the foam of package which will cover entire fees,hostel ,library fees and other fees.
            To summarize, students must be able to think carefully before do decision which universities they want to apply . they must to considerate about offered from universities , fees and also the adequate facilities that provide from the universities. Moreover, based on the factors above,its important to realize that they should consider many things when deciding on their university,there’s no point making a decision based on one or two characteristics,as they are likely to find it doesn’t meet all their needs. This is because everyone looks for something different from university and every university something unique.

Causes and Symptoms What causes high blood pressure?

For 85% to 95% of people with high blood pressure, the cause of their high blood pressure is not known. Called primary hypertension, this condition probably results from a variety of causes.1
Risk factors
Age and Sex. The risk of developing high blood pressure increases as you age. Most cases of high blood pressure are diagnosed in men, until the age of 45. From age 45 to 54, men and women are equally at risk for high blood pressure. After the age of 54, women are actually more likely to have high blood pressure than men.2 This may suggest that estrogen has a protective role in blood pressure. It is thought that estrogen helps keep blood vessels flexible. Estrogen may also work with other hormones to reduce the risk of high blood pressure in younger women.3
Family History. People with relatives who have high blood pressure are more likely to develop high blood pressure.4
Ethnicity. People of African American and Native American ethnicity have very high rates of high blood pressure, and the situation appears to be a growing problem. Compared with Caucasians, African Americans develop hypertension earlier in life, and their average blood pressures are much higher.2
Diet. People who regularly eat foods that are high in salt are more susceptible to high blood pressure.4
Obesity. People who are overweight are at risk for many illnesses, including high blood pressure.5
Stress. Studies have shown that people with heightened anxiety, intense anger, and suppressed expression of anger were more at risk of developing high blood pressure.6


          Hemodialysis uses a special type of filter to remove excess waste products and water from the body.
          Peritoneal dialysis uses a fluid that is placed into the patient's stomach cavity through a special plastic tube to remove excess waste products and fluid from the body.
          During hemodialysis, blood passes from the patient's body through a filter in the dialysis machine, called a "dialysis membrane."
          For this procedure, the patient has a specialized plastic tube placed between an artery and a vein in the arm or leg (called a "gortex graft").
          Sometimes, a direct connection is made between an artery and a vein in the arm. This procedure is called a "Cimino fistula."
Needles are then placed in the graft or fistula, and blood passes to the dialysis machine, through the filter, and back to the patient. In the dialysis machine, a solution on the other side of the filter receives the waste products from the patient

What does the patient do during dialysis?

          Treatment for hemodialysis takes place in a hemodialysis unit
. This is a special building that is equipped with machines that perform the dialysis treatment. Special equipment adds the proper materials to purified water for the dialysis machines
          Patients generally go to the dialysis unit three times a week for treatment.
          Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
           Before treatment, patients weigh themselves so that excess fluid accumulated since the last dialysis session can be measured.
          Patients then go to assigned chairs that are like lounge chairs.
          The area of the graft or fistula (the connection between the artery and vein), is cleaned thoroughly.
          Two needles are then inserted into the graft or fistula.
          One takes the blood to the machine where it is cleaned.
          The other needle allows blood that is returning to the patient to go back into the patient's body.
          Treatments last from 2 ½ to 4 ½ hours.
          During this time, patient's blood pressure will be checked frequently and also the dialysis machine to ensure that the proper amount of fluid is being removed from the patients body.

          Patients can read, watch television, sleep, or do other work during treatment.
          Patient on dialysis have to follow the schedule about his dialysis.
          Patient also have to take strict precaution about his diet and fluid control.

Aurora Alert: The Sun Is Waking Up

ScienceDaily (Aug. 2, 2010) — Sky viewers might get to enjoy some spectacular Northern Lights, or aurorae, on Wednesday (Aug. 3, 2010). After a long slumber, the Sun is waking up. Early Sunday morning, the Sun's surface erupted and blasted tons of plasma (ionized atoms) into interplanetary space. That plasma is headed our way, and when it arrives, it could create a spectacular light show.

Hundreds Of Rogue Black Holes May Roam The Milky Way, Swallowing Anything That Gets Too Close

ScienceDaily (Apr. 29, 2009) — It sounds like the plot of a sci-fi movie: rogue black holes roaming our galaxy, threatening to swallow anything that gets too close. In fact, new calculations by Ryan O'Leary and Avi Loeb (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) suggest that hundreds of massive black holes, left over from the galaxy-building days of the early universe, may wander the Milky Way.
Good news, however: Earth is safe. The closest rogue black hole should reside thousands of light-years away.

What Is a Heart Attack?

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a section of heart muscle becomes blocked. If the flow of blood isn’t restored quickly, the section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and begins to die.
Get Help Quickly
Acting fast at the first sign of heart attack symptoms can save your life and limit damage to your heart. Treatment is most effective when started within 1 hour of the beginning of symptoms.
The most common heart attack signs and symptoms are:
  • Chest discomfort or pain—uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest that can be mild or strong. This discomfort or pain lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.
  • Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath may occur with or before chest discomfort.
  • Other signs include nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, lightheadedness or fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat.
If you think you or someone you know may be having a heart attack:
  • Call 9–1–1 within a few minutes—5 at the most—of the start of symptoms.
  • If your symptoms stop completely in less than 5 minutes, still call your doctor.
  • Only take an ambulance to the hospital. Going in a private car can delay treatment.
  • Take a nitroglycerin pill if your doctor has prescribed this type of medicine.


A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land.[1] The EU Floods directive defines a flood as a temporary covering by water of land not normally covered by water. [2]In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, which overflows or breaks levees, with the result that some of the water escapes its usual boundaries.[3] While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and snow melt, it is not a significant flood unless such escapes of water endanger land areas used by man like a village, city or other inhabited area.
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural flood plains of rivers. While flood damage can be virtually eliminated by moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, since time out of mind, people have lived and worked by the water to seek sustenance and capitalize on the gains of cheap and easy travel and commerce by being near water. That humans continue to inhabit areas threatened by flood damage is evidence that the perceived value of living near the water exceeds the cost of repeated periodic flooding.


Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms.[1] In the atmospheric electrical discharge, a leader of a bolt of lightning can travel at speeds of 60,000 m/s (130,000 mph), and can reach temperatures approaching 30,000 °C (54,000 °F), hot enough to fuse silica sand into glass channels known as fulgurites which are normally hollow and can extend some distance into the ground.[2][3] There are some 16 million lightning storms in the world every year.[4]
Lightning can also occur within the ash clouds from volcanic eruptions, or can be caused by violent forest fires which generate sufficient dust to create a static charge.[1][5]
How lightning initially forms is still a matter of debate:[6] Scientists have studied root causes ranging from atmospheric perturbations (wind, humidity, friction, and atmospheric pressure) to the impact of solar wind and accumulation of charged solar particles.[4] Ice inside a cloud is thought to be a key element in lightning development, and may cause a forcible separation of positive and negative charges within the cloud, thus assisting in the formation of lightning.[4]
The irrational fear of lightning (and thunder) is astraphobia. The study or science of lightning is Historical scientific research

Mental disorder

A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern associated with distress or disability that occurs in an individual and is not a part of normal development or culture. The recognition and understanding of mental health conditions has changed over time and across cultures, and there are still variations in the definition, assessment, and classification of mental disorders, although standard guideline criteria are widely accepted.
Currently, mental disorders are conceptualized as disorders of brain circuits likely caused by developmental processes shaped by a complex interplay of genetics and experience. In other words, the genetics of mental illness may really be the genetics of brain development, with different outcomes possible, depending on the biological and environmental context.
Over a third of people in most countries report meeting criteria for the major categories at some point in their life. The causes are often explained in terms of a diathesis-stress model and biopsychosocial model. Services are based in psychiatric hospitals or in the community. Diagnoses are made by psychiatrists or clinical psychologists using various methods, often relying on observation and questioning in interviews. Treatments are provided by various mental health professionals.
Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication are two major treatment options as are social interventions, peer support and self-help. In some cases there may be involuntary detention and involuntary treatment where legislation allows. Stigma and discrimination add to the suffering associated with the disorders, and have led to various social movements campaign for change.

Blurred vision


There are many causes of blurred vision:
• Use of atropineor other anticholinergics
Presbyopia -- Difficulty focusing on objects that are close. The elderly are common victims. (Accommodation tends to decrease with age.)
Cataracts -- Cloudiness over the eye's lens, causing poor night-time vision, halos around lights, and sensitivity to glare. Daytime vision is eventually affected. Common in the elderly.
Glaucoma -- Increased pressure in the eye, causing poor night vision, blind spots, and loss of vision to either side. A major cause of blindness. Glaucoma can happen gradually or suddenly—if sudden, it is a medical emergency.
Diabetic retinopathy -- This complication of diabetes can lead to bleeding into the retina. Another common cause of blindness.
Macular degeneration -- Loss of central vision, blurred vision (especially while reading), distorted vision (like seeing wavy lines), and colors appearing faded. The most common cause of blindness in people over age 60.
• Eye infection, inflammation, or injury.
Floaters -- Tiny particles drifting across the eye. Although often brief and harmless, they may be a sign of retinal detachment.
Retinal detachment -- Symptoms include floaters, flashes of light across your visual field, or a sensation of a shade or curtain hanging on one side of your visual field.
Optic neuritis -- Inflammation of the optic nerve from infection or multiple sclerosis. You may have pain when you move your eye or touch it through the eyelid.
Stroke or Transient ischemic attack
Brain tumor
Bleeding into the eye
• Temporal arthritis -- Inflammation of an artery in the brain that supplies blood to the optic nerve.
• Migraine headaches -- Spots of light, halos, or zigzag patterns are common symptoms prior to the start of the headache. An ophthalmic migraine is when you have only visual symptoms without a headache.

Medical hygiene

Medical hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices related to the administration of medicine, and medical care, that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of disease.
Medical hygiene practices include:
• Isolation or quarantine of infectious persons or materials to prevent spread of infection.
• Sterilization of instruments used in surgical procedures.
• Use of protective clothing and barriers, such as masks, gowns, caps, eyewear and gloves.
• Proper bandaging and dressing of injuries.
• Safe disposal of medical waste.
• Disinfection of reusables (i.e. linen, pads, uniforms)
• Scrubbing up, hand-washing, especially in an operating room, but in more general health-care settings as well, where diseases can be transmitted
Most of these practices were developed in the 19th century and were well established by the mid-20th century. Some procedures (such as disposal of medical waste) were tightened up as a result of late-20th century disease outbreaks, notably AIDS and Ebola.
Hand hygiene
Defined as hand washing or washing hands with soap and water or using a waterless hand sanitizer.
Hand hygiene is central to preventing spread of infectious diseases in home and everyday life settings. The most critical situations where hand hygiene is needed are:
• After using the toilet (or disposing of human or animal faeces)
• After changing a baby’s diaper (nappy) and disposing of the faeces
• Immediately after handling raw food (e.g. chicken, meat)
• Before preparing and handling cooked/ready-to-eat food
• Before eating food or feeding children.
Hand hygiene is also important:
• After contact with contaminated surfaces (e.g. rubbish bins, cleaning cloths, food-contaminated surfaces)
• After handling pets and domestic animals
• After wiping or blowing the nose or sneezing into the hands
• After handling soiled tissues (self or others, e.g. children)
• After contact with blood or body fluids (e.g. vomit)
• Before and after dressing wounds
• Before giving care to an “at risk” person
• After giving care to an infected person.
The accepted procedure for hand washing with soap is as follows:
1. Always wash hands under running water
2. Apply soap
3. Rub hands together for 15–30 seconds, paying particular attention to fingertips, thumbs and between the fingers
4. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.
In situations where hand washing with soap is not an option (e.g. when in a public place with no access to wash facilities), a waterless hand sanitizer such as an alcohol hand gel can be used. They can also be used in addition to hand washing, to minimise risks when caring for “at risk” groups. To be effective, alcohol hand gels should contain not less than 60%v/v alcohol. Hand sanitizers are non-options in most developing country settings; in situations where availability of water is a problem, there are appropriate solutions such as tippy-taps, which use much less water and are very low-cost to make, with local materials. In low income communities mud or ash is sometimes used as an alternative to soap.


Dysmenorrhea (or dysmenorrhoea) is a gynecological medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. While most women experience minor pain during menstruation, dysmenorrhea is diagnosed when the pain is so severe as to limit normal activities, or require medication.
Dysmenorrhea can feature different kinds of pain, including sharp, throbbing, dull, nauseating, burning, or shooting pain. Dysmenorrhea may precede menstruation by several days or may accompany it, and it usually subsides as menstruation tapers off. Dysmenorrhea may coexist with excessively heavy blood loss, known as menorrhagia.
Secondary dysmenorrhea is diagnosed when symptoms are attributable to an underlying disease, disorder, or structural abnormality either within or outside the uterus. Primary dysmenorrhea is diagnosed when none of these is detected.


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese)22, and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m2. when their BMI is between 25 kg/m and 30 kg/m
Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties during sleep, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.[2] Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive dietary calories, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass.[4][5]
The primary treatment for obesity is dieting and physical exercise. To supplement this, or in case of failure, anti-obesity drugs may be taken to reduce appetite or inhibit fat absorption. In severe cases, surgery is performed or an intragastric balloon is placed to reduce stomach volume and/or bowel length, leading to earlier satiation and reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.
Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing prevalence in adults and children, and authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. Obesity is stigmatized in much of the modern world (particularly in the Western world), though it was widely perceived as a symbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history, and still is in some parts of the world.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010's Top 5 Diet Pills for Fast Weight Loss

Confused About Which Diet Pills Really Work? Let Us Help... is a one-stop consumer resource designed to help you compare the many diet products available to consumers and learn about diet prodcuts that deliver proven weight-loss results instead of empty promises.

On a month-to-month basis, we provide in-depth analysis on the top diet products on the market, providing consumers with the most up-to-date and complete diet product ratings and recommendations.

Our Proprietary 3-Stage Ratings System will help you find the market's best diet products that are not only clinically proven but also user recommended for fast, safe weight loss and fat reduction.

Rating each product on weight loss power, speed of results, product safety, consumer reviews, and company reputation, we issue diet product recommendations consumers can use to help them make smart buying decisions.

You can be assured that with every review, we cut through the marketing hype to help you find the most effective diet products at the most cost-effective prices.

2010's Highest-Rated Weight-Loss Diet Products

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Reorder Rate: 97%

Retail Price: $79.90

Best Price Online: $37

Clinically Proven to Burn 12.3 Pounds Every 28 Days

Pure African Mango Extract has soared up the charts with its impressive clinical research results and glowing customer reviews.

The active ingredient in Pure African Mango (a rare mango native to the rainforests of Cameroon, West Africa) is a unique extract called Irvingia Gabonensis.

According to a new study published in the medical journal Lipids in Health and Disease, this extract caused an average weight loss of 12.3 pounds in 30 days without diet or exercise.

What's more, subjects supplementing with this extract experienced significant decreases in bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose levels. No negative side effects were reported in the clinical research.

In our 17 years of reviewing clinical research, no other diet pill has facilitated such a large weight loss within 30 days without additional diet or exercise.

After interviewing 250 Pure African Mango customers, as well as reviewing the clinical research studies, this product is our runaway #1 recommendation for 2010.

Bonus: Last day for FREE Express Shipping. At checkout, use Coupon Code: mango

Note: Coupon Code Expires Today, August 9, 2010

Click Here to Visit the Official Pure African Mango Website

Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

Reorder Rate: 92%

Retail Price: $79.90

Best Price Online: $37

Clinically Proven to Reduce 1 Inch of Belly Fat Every 28 Days

Phosphacore Extra-Strength Abdominal-Fat Oxidizer is also soaring up the charts for its clinically proven belly fat-fighting benefits.

The active ingredient in Phosphacore is an extract from the plant species Carthamus tinctorius, a unique plant native to North-Central Africa. According to new 28-day study from scientists at the Department of Public Health at Sweden's Uppsala University, subjects taking this nutrient lost an average 600% more abdominal fat than people taking a placebo -- this amounted to an average abdominal fat loss of nearly 1 inch every 28 days.

In another new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists from the University of Wisconsin found that people taking this nutrient lost on average 900% more total bodyfat per week relative to subjects who consumed a placebo. This included excess fat from the abdominal region, legs, buttocks, and arms.

After interviewing 250 Phosphacore customers, as well as reviewing the clinical research studies, this product is our #2 recommendation for 2010 -- and a top recommendation for people wanting to lose belly fat specifically.

Bonus: Last day for FREE Express Shipping. At checkout, use Coupon Code: 3388

Note: Coupon Code Expires Today, August 9, 2010

Click Here to Visit the Official Phosphacore Website

Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

Reorder Rate: 88%

Retail Price: $99.95

Best Price Online: $37

Customers Have Lost up to 25 Pounds in 30 Days

The Maqui-6 Formula contains the highest amount of Maqui Berry extract of any product on the market today (over 1,000 mg per daily serving). New clinical research shows Maqui Berries, which are native to the remote Chilean Rainforests, have an antioxidant ORAC rating of 8,687 -- the highest of any food, and 12.6 times the antioxidant levels of Acai Berries.

Further, research from South America shows the Maqui Berry extract found in Maqui-6 has powerful fat-fighting properties, speeding the metabolism, reducing appetite, and safely reducing fat cell size and number.

Test subjects have lost as much as 25 pounds in just 30 days, with 92% of test subjects losing one-half their bodyfat percentage within 8 weeks of use.

The Maqui-6 formula also contains high levels of 5 additional "superfood" extracts: Acai Berry, Goji Berry, Green Tea, Resveratrol, and Pomegranate.

Bonus: Last day for FREE Express Shipping. At checkout, use Coupon Code: berry

Note: Coupon Code Expires Today, August 9, 2010

Click Here to Visit the Official Maqui-6 Website

Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

Reorder Rate: 83%

Retail Price: $89.95

Best Price Online: $47

Rare, Delicious, Fat-Burning Coffee from Biblical Red Sea

Moyojava Organic Ethiopian Coffee, while not technically a diet pill, makes our ratings for its potent fat-fighting benefits.

Researchers say the secret to this coffee's mysterious slimming properties is found in the coffee beans used to make this delicious brew. The bean is found only in the secluded mineral-rich Red Mountains of Ethiopia. The rich red soils in which this rare bean is grown is the same soils which give the Red Sea its mysterious "ruddy complexion."

This coffee has been consumed for centuries among the village people of Africa's ancient Red Mountains and Great Rift Valley along the Biblical Red Sea. The coffee is uniquely rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants and one curious compound called cholorgenic acid.

According to a new study published in the scientific journal Complementary and Alternative Medicine, this nutrient caused a 35% reduction in bodyfat.

Moyojava Organic Ethiopian Coffee is a hundreds-year-old beverage just now being introduced to the mainstream, and it's our #4 recommendation for 2010 -- a perfect choice for coffee and tea drinkers. We've received many letters from customers who've achieved even greater bodyfat loss by using this coffee in conjunction with Phosphacore and/or Pure African Mango.

Bonus: Last day for FREE Express Shipping. At checkout, use Coupon Code: coffee

Note: Coupon Code Expires Today, August 9, 2010

Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Organic Ethiopian Coffee

Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

Reorder Rate: 42%

Retail Price: $53.66

Best Price Online: $38.75

Popular Alli Helps Block Dietary Fat Storage

Alli was our #2 rated diet pill in 2008 and #3 in 2009, but drops to #5 in this year's ratings, primarily because of its unpleasant side effects.

Research shows Alli may help people lose weight by helping block the absorption of 25 percent of the dietary fat ingested. The fat that isn't absorbed is passed through the bowels.

Consuming meals with more than 15 grams of fat while using Alli may lead to gastrointestinal upset, gas, and oily discharge, which is often too uncomfortable for many users.

With that said, we still rate Alli within our top 5 because its FDA approved and clinically tested. You may see good results using Alli, depending on your threshold for the above-noted side effects.